2024 Recap: Second Annual Blue Ridge Ruby Conference
"A welcoming, informative, and honestly pretty magical little couple of days
2024 Sponsors
Blue Ridge Ruby, Take Two... Action!
The 2nd annual Blue Ridge Ruby conference took place at The Collider in downtown Asheville.
But... how did people like it?
What Did People Have to Say?
Blue Ridge Ruby is exactly what we need ~ Josh Wood
The conference was great! I really appreciate all the work that you all put into it. ~ Dustin
Just got back from an inspiring experience at the Blue Ridge Ruby Conference 2024! 🌟...The conference, held in downtown Asheville, was superbly organized... ~ Tasleem
Thanks for putting on a wonderful conference! ~ Lauren
The Talks
There were 10 featured talks, in addition to 9 ⚡️lightning talks⚡️.