Annie Kiley
Annie has been building custom web applications at digital agencies since 2014. She is currently an Application Development Director at Viget, where she works with Rails, Django, Phoenix, and other frameworks. Rails is still her favorite. When she’s not writing code, she can be found at playgrounds with her family, cooking, or reading. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.
Maintenance Matters: Maintaining Your Rails App and Your Sanity
We all love shiny new tech and greenfield projects, but as software developers, we spend a lot of our time working with existing code. So let’s spend a few minutes talking about ways to improve the day-to-day developer experience of maintaining a Rails app. The examples and tools in this talk are specific to Ruby on Rails, but the ideas can apply to any stack. I will try to leave you with ten things that you can do tomorrow to make maintaining your application just a little easier.
Travel sponsored by Viget.